Colin Mitchell
Department Head and Professor of Equine Surgery
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Joined LSU Vet Med Faculty August 1, 2005
MS, University of Minnesota, 2004
BVM&S, University of Edinburgh (Scotland), 2000
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons
Research Interest
Treatment of laminitis
Bisphosphonates in horses
Laparoscopic procedures
Teaching Interest
Equine Surgery
Clinical Interest
Equine Surgery
Awards & Honors
2021, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2020, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2019, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2018, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2017, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2016, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2015, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2014, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2013, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2012, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
2011, Dean's Teacher Merit Honor Roll
Aseptic Technique, Mitchell, Colin, 2017, Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
Endoscopic Exam of the Upper Respiratory Tract / Rhinolaryngoscopy, Mitchell, Colin, 2017, Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
Evaluation of hoof balance and conformation, Mitchell, Colin, 2017, Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
Large Animal Surgical Nursing, Mitchell, Colin, 2017, Publisher: Saunders
Large Animal Surgical Nursing, Mitchell, Colin; Gill, Marjorie, 2013, Publisher: Saunders
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of clodronate disodium evaluated in plasma, synovial fluid and urine, Krueger, Clarisa; Mitchell, Colin; Leise, Britta; Knych, Heather, 2020, Equine Veterinary Journal
Evaluation of peer teaching and deliberate practice to teach veterinary surgery, Compton, Nashua; Cary, Julie; Wenz, John; Lutter, Dylan; Mitchell, Colin; Godfrey, Jennifer, 2019, Veterinary Surgery , Volume: 48, Pages: 199-208
Tiludronate and Clodronate do not Affect Bone Structure or Remodeling Kinetics over a 60 Day Randomized Trial , Richbourg, Heather; Mitchell, Colin; Gillett, Ashley; McNulty, Margaret, 2018, BMC Veterinary Research
Uncommon Castration Complication: Penile amputation and sheath ablation following an iatrogenic phallectomy , Beavers, Kelli; Mitchell, Colin, 2017, Equine Veterinary Education
Assessment of Tuber Coxae Bone Biopsy in the Standing Horse, Mitchell, Colin; Richbourg, H; Goupil, B; Gillett, A; McNulty, Margaret, 2017, Veterinary Surgery , Volume: 46, Pages: 396-402
Grant Funding
Analysis of the Effects of Clodronate Disodium on Equine Articular Cartilage Using an In Vitro Cell Culture Model, Equine Health Studies Program, $4,000.00
Effect of tiludronate on bone remodeling and regeneration in horses, Morris Animal Foundation, $116,707.00
Histologic Changes to the Muscular Portion of the Hind Suspensory Ligament of Horses as a Result of Neurectomy of the Deep Branch of the Lateral Plantar Nerve., Charles V. Cusimano EHSP, $1,340.00
The use of liposomal bupivacaine as an incisional analgesic and its effects on wound healing, LSU-SVM, NIH, Merial Summer Scholar Program, $6,211.00
The Effect of Neurectomy of the Deep Branch of the Lateral Plantar Nerve on the Biomechanical Properties and Diagnostic Imaging Characteristics of the Equine Hind Suspensory Ligament, Charles V. Cusimano EHSP, $11,998.00
Influence of clodronate on bone density and bone formation in young horses, Equine Health Studies Program, $12,000.00
Serum testosterone concentrations following human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulation in cryptorchid horses before and after castration, Charles V. Cusimano EHSP Grant, $2,745.00
Influence of tiludronate on bone density and bone formation in young horses, Equine Health Studies Program, $9,500.00
An in vitro biomechanical evaluation and comparison of two figure of eight tension band cerclage wires versus one 2.0 Acumed cable as the palmar support systems for equine metacarpophalangeal joint arthrodesis, Charles V. Cusimano Equine Health Studies Program, $6,206.20
Occurrence of palatal instability in a normal population of Thoroughbreds in race training, Equine Health Studies Program